Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our most frequently asked questions for more information.

Making a Gift

How do I give to UCLA?

You can give at Give To UCLA, or through the Give Now buttons on this site.

I’m not an alumnus; am I still able to make a gift to UCLA?

Anyone can give a gift of any size to UCLA. And because UCLA’s accomplishments reach communities right in the university’s backyard and all around the world, you and those you love will benefit. Even if you’re not an alumnus, when you give to UCLA, you’re part of the family. We encourage you to explore the Give To UCLA site and find a school, priority, or area of interest that matters to you.

May I speak to someone about giving to UCLA?

We welcome your inquiries.

For general giving, please contact Donor Relations at 310-794-2447 or For giving to specific areas of campus, see Contact Us.



What sets UCLA apart?

Being the #1 public research institution in the nation, committed to providing opportunity to people from all walks of life in one of the most diverse cities in the world, sets UCLA apart. The university fosters interdisciplinary collaboration that leads to discoveries and breakthroughs that benefit the world.

How is philanthropy to UCLA making a difference now?

The university is tackling current issues, such as COVID-19, racial justice, and more, every day. Philanthropy advances that work and helps our students thrive in these challenging times and always.

Why should I give to UCLA?

UCLA’s breadth and depth of expertise means that your investment here will gain great momentum toward whatever philanthropic goals you have. Want to see renowned experts working together to advance your passion? Let a UCLA gift officer connect you with the right people and programs.

What is an endowment, and why is an endowed gift important?

The endowment is UCLA’s root system, helping it stay strong as it grows and steady as it broadens its reach. Here’s how it works: Endowed gifts contribute to the university’s overall endowment, and payout from endowed gifts is used for designated purposes. In this way, gifts to the university’s endowment serve immediate needs and serve to create future financial stability in keeping with the donor’s intent.

Endowment gifts made to The UCLA Foundation are managed and invested by the UCLA Investment Company in accordance with UCLA’s endowment investment policies. To learn more about the endowment, see The UCLA Foundation’s Endowment and Finances.

To learn more about Regental endowments supporting UCLA, visit The Office of the Chief Investment Officer of the Regents.

What was The Centennial Campaign for UCLA?

The Centennial Campaign for UCLA, which launched in 2014 and concluded December 31, 2019, at the end of UCLA’s 100th year, offered an opportunity to celebrate the university’s first century and set the stage for continued excellence in its second.

The success of the campaign, which surpassed goal to raise $5.49 billion, demonstrates donor confidence in UCLA and prepared the university to pursue strategic priorities determined by academic and other campus leaders. Funds were raised for all areas of campus, including scholarships. UCLA’s commitment to providing educational opportunities to students from all walks of life makes raising money for scholarships and other student resources an ongoing goal.

More Ways to Give

I represent a foundation or corporation. Whom should I contact about making a gift?

UCLA increasingly relies on private support to remain competitive with top public and private research universities. Funding from corporations and foundations helps maintain the university’s excellence and directly benefits its exceptional students, faculty, and programs.

UCLA Foundation Relations and Corporate Philanthropy (FRCP) can help identify partnership opportunities on campus and facilitate introductions with key faculty and campus leaders. FRCP staff can assist with coordination of all corporate and foundation gifts and grants to UCLA. Please contact FCRP at or call 310-794-2323.

I want to include UCLA in my will. How can I do that?

When writing a will or living trust, donors can specify that they would like their estate to benefit UCLA. Donors may leave a bequest to UCLA or plan their giving strategy as part of their estate. Donors who wish to have their gifts managed by The UCLA Foundation must specifically state in their wills or living trusts that their gifts be made to The UCLA Foundation.

For information about how to include UCLA in your estate plans, please contact Gift Planning at or 800-737-8252.

Can I give to UCLA from abroad?

Yes, UCLA welcomes gifts from international alumni and friends. Methods and tax benefits of giving to UCLA vary from country to country. See Giving from Abroad for specific information for donors from Canada, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, and Europe. Depending on your country of residence and your tax status, you might be able to give directly to UCLA or you might need to give through an intermediary or via the Regents of the University of California.

What is UCLA’s Tax ID Number?

Donors may claim tax deductions for gifts and donations made to the university.

UCLA’s federal taxpayer ID number for gifts to The UCLA Foundation is 95-2250801; the number for gifts to the UC Regents is 95-6006143W.

Please visit The UCLA Foundation disclosures site for additional information.

Donor Information

How can I review my giving history or update my contact information?

To review your past giving, print receipts, or update contact information, visit the secure My Giving Gateway portal.

What kind of influence or control do I have?

All gifts to support UCLA accord with the university’s foundational value of academic freedom, which is essential to its research and teaching mission. At no time, today or in the future, shall any donor unduly direct the inquiry, research, teaching, or learning of faculty, students, or staff. All gifts will be governed by UCLA’s policies and procedures.

What are my rights?

Please see the Privacy Notice to learn how personal information is collected, used, and disclosed by UCLA.